Suzanne Collier asks can digital skills improve your earning potential?
‘Let’s say you were asked, ‘During a usual week, what percentage of your time is taken up working on titles that are digital, eBooks or online publications as opposed to hard copy print?’ How would you answer?’
This question was included in the salary survey of 2013, and the results indicated that 25.3% of all respondents spent 50% or more of their time on digital, compared to 16.3% who were not working on digital products at all. There were a further 11% who did not answer the question and we might assume this is because they didn’t feel it was a question relevant to them, giving us a whopping 27.3% who could have had no digital experience whatsoever. Of all the sectors in publishing, those with the most digital related skills were Trade, Academic and Educational books. Those who were working on digital products were paid up to 9.2% more than their non-digital colleagues.
The data gathering for the 2017 salary survey sponsored by Inspired Search & Selection has now begun and once again this question is included. It will be interesting to see how the results have shifted in the past four years, and whether the industry is working more on digital or, with the resurgence of print, less. As you are part of the industry which is moving forward in digital publishing, and keeping on top of how the publishing industry is changing, would very much like you to participate in the survey.
The demographics and details are used widely across the industry and help us all understand what effects digital has on job roles and pay. Anonymity and confidentiality is guaranteed. The survey closes at midnight on 28th July 2017 with early results available in September.
Please do get involved by taking part in the survey and I look forward to sharing the results with you later this year.
© Suzanne Collier 2017
Suzanne Collier from solves career problems for publishers. She covers everything from career guidance through to workplace issues and drives change for people at all levels—senior publishers wishing to realign their career or do their current job better to those just starting out.
Twitter: @suzannecollier @bookcareers